The saddle harness is ideal for multi-day rides and to be able to carry our camping material and some clothing and shelter. It is possibly one of the first bags that you consider purchasing since it allows you to carry a large volume of stuff in an efficient and aerodynamic way on almost any type of bike and saddle.
In our first version of this bag we fulfilled two main objectives: stability and versatility. That is why we pay special attention to the design of the fastening straps to the saddle rails and use high quality buckles with a locking system for the straps. The result is one of the most stable saddle bags we have ever seen and tested both on the road and on rougher terrain. We also took special care that the bag was compatible with small sizes of bicycles. estabilidad y polivalencia. Es por ello que prestamos especial atención en el diseño de las correas de sujeción a los raíles del sillín y usamos hebillas de alta calidad con un sistema de bloqueo de las correas. El resultado es una de las bolsas de sillín más estables que hemos visto y probado tanto en carretera como en terrenos más abruptos. Además tomamos especial atención en que la bolsa fuese compatible con tallas pequeñas de bicicletas.
Maintaining these two premises, we have completely redesigned this bag to meet another objective that seemed essential to us when we talk about warm clothing and camping equipment, waterproofness.That is why we have adopted a harness system with the roll-top double-access independent dry bag with heat-sealed seams. When you arrive at the camping area you don't need to disassemble the entire bag, by releasing the tension of its three straps and removing the independent bag you will have quick and comfortable access to the material in just a couple of movements.
Lastly, we wanted to give it extra versatility by keeping the top elastic and including a couple of loops at its base. If you want, you can easily hold your sandals at the bottom of the harness with a pair of straps.
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